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Leena Honakeri Me Royal India Mrs. Asia Classic-2018

Leena Honakeri Me Royal India Mrs. Asia Classic-2018


I am Leena Honakeri from Karnataka , A State Level Basketball Player of Maharashtra. Been,married for the past 24 years and settled with two lovely kids . A Post-Graduate (MSc) in Computer Science by education and a Homemaker by choice. My journey has been a rollercoaster ride from being a school teacher , computer trainer , medical transcriptionist , Principal of A Montessori School to winning. Prestigious titles such as ‘I Am Me Royal India Mrs. Asia Classic-2018’ and ‘POPULAR QUEEN OF UNIVERSE-2019″. Awarded by Aesthetics International, was A Guest Honour in a reality show of Guwahati Doordarshan in Guwahati. An article on me Published in an e- magazine. Been Awarded a Certificate as a Covid Warrior by Anti Corruption.

Foundation of India, Have Been A Part of Various Webinars organized by an international Organization, was Also Honoured to be A Jury for ” IAWA MRS INDIA-2020° the ever first Virtual Pageant show…. | believe that one should experience and gain knowledge from every aspect and journey of their life . My philosophy has been very simple from the beginning , all credits to my parents who raised me with such virtues for life . | believe in ‘Live and let Live , Help the needy , Embrace and be contented with whatever we have , everyone is beautiful no matter what . My Vision is to see my country flourish by educating each and every citizen/ kid and improve the literary rate . My second Vision would be to make my country free from Poverty and I am glad to be a part of many social service groups and NGOs that work towards the betterment of the society.

My Aim is to guide the youth with Morals and Values towards the society and help them become the best version of themselves.


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