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Dr Neal Ratan Agarwala – International Best Researcher Award Winner For Treatment Protocol for Coronavirus

Dr Neal Ratan Agarwala – International Best Researcher Award  Winner For Treatment Protocol for Coronavirus

At present when the whole world is trembling with fear of corona virus a homoeopath named Dr. Neal Ratan Agarwala residing at Liluah, Howrah has proved himself as a successful corona fighter in this field.

Dr.Neal Ratan Agarwala has been honored with ‘The International Best Researcher Award’ by the ‘International ISSN Awards’ and is also honored with The ‘Certified Researcher in ‘Homeopathic Treatment Protocol for Coronavirus’ by ‘Research Bureau Veritas’ for his successfully published research manuscript on ‘The Homeopathic Treatment Protocol for Coronavirus’ in ‘The International Journal Of Advanced Research, Ideas And Innovations In Technology’. His further research work on “Homeopathic Treatment Protocol For Corona Virus” is also published Internationally in The ‘International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management’. He has been honored with an ‘Excellence Award’ for ‘COVID-19 Awareness & Social Welfare’ by ‘World Federation of Homeopathy’.

His research protocol describes ways to manage ANG2, use of anti-fibrotics, auto-immunity, Inter-Leukin-1-beta, HMGB1, interferon-alfa, HAS-2, T-cell count, TGF, protection and regeneration of cilia, protecting lung parenchyma from hypoxia, protecting and regenerating endothelial cells, protecting spleen and lymphatic system, dendritic cell maturation, anti-coagulant, thrombolysis, SGPT, SGOT, creatinine, D-dimer, CRP, lactate dehydrogenase, cardiac troponin, creatine kinase and blocking ACE-2 & CD147.

During the early stage of Coronavirus outbreak in the country he started his research to boost power of immunity in human body. In fact, from February 2020, his research was starting to be very technical and precise until his research on the treatment protocol was successfully published Internationally in May & June 2020.


As a philanthropist and benevolent doctor Dr. Nealratan has been helping and treating many people to come out of their suffering from many critical diseases and gifting them healthy lives. He is researching on treatment protocols using the active ingredients of herbs according to homeopathic principles. He is the third generation in a family of prominent homeopaths. He is practicing modern homeopathy since 2005.Today, his research is not limited to any one country but it is being appreciated internationally.

Dr Neal Ratan Agarwala on Google:

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Contact no: +91-9231598225


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